Known Aboriginal Name - Wamoon, Woomom or Yirik used by the Gunai community a part of the broader Koori nation
Telegraph Saddle to Sealers Cove & Refuge Cove:
Every year we head off to hike through Wilsons Prom, this year going via Refuge Cove and Little Waterloo Bay. We up the anti on what kind of food we should bring. This year included, Egg McMuffins, Apple Pie, Fresh Lamb and a variety of treats, Chocolate Bars, donuts and cans of Coke. It makes the whole trip a lot more fun and rewarding when you can see what you can get away with in terms of non traditional camping food.
There are some really spectacular views all the way around the coast. The best part is when you get to Little Waterloo after a couple of days and the weather turns on. This year we were lucky to have a 40 degree day, which doesn’t stop the water from being cold as you are so far south but it does mean swimming all day in crystal blue water. I’m always on the look out for snakes and other native creatures. Not only to be careful of them but they always make a good photo.
Make sure you check the tide at Sealers Cove as you have to cross the river, if it’s high you’ll have to strip down and carry your pack over your head. This isn’t fun if your pack is full.
Think about how much water you are going to take in and how much water you are going to treat when you get there as well as a couple of essentials like wet wipes and insect repellent.
by Ben Clement
LFRF acknowledges all the Traditional Owners of the land [or country] and pay our respects to the Elders, past and present of all of Victoria and urges you to please do the same.